The meaning of Connections is the following: “to estabish a communications connection, to act of connecting , Relationships, Union, the state of being linked, logical relationship ..relationship in social affairs or in business, a set or group of persons connected or associated together in a common interest.”
Everyone in Life needs connection of some type, in some way, some form…Everything in Life has a connection.
A lot of people use hard work to get themselves up the corporate ladder, but once they get there… it is the connections they made to get there or made along the way that will get others there as well as to them staying there or moving higher…
In prison being connected means more than anything..You can network to get things done…to manifest positive results…people in prison form groups…socialize in the group settings they fit in or is most accustomed to… some groups are about progression…making moves that makes differences and getting things done….not everyone is in this mindset…It takes Knowledge… being willing to learn and accept, ..self-control, certain discipline, amongst other mental tools to realize how to successfully utilize this potential..but all this starts with You…
Sitting in a cell of a Supermax prison with a little of almost no movement at all is an individual who mastered this craft of connecting inside and outside of prison…..He is ready to share his story from his journey…to the birth of his movement….. As Gorilla Convict now puts the spotlight on Akron, Ohio talented & uprising self made entrepreneur…. speaking in his own words……..

“My name is Justin Guyton, but Everyone ….especially those who are in the streets call me “Rubbercity J or J.G.”… I’m a freelance music producer, live sound/studio engineer and author of the soon to be released book ” Felon:The New Slur Word”….I grew up in The Willbeth Homes on the Eastside of Akron, Ohio but I’m known throughout the state…
At this present time I’ve been down 10 yrs on a 25 year sentence for 10 counts of Agg. Robbery spanning between Akron and Canton, I have the opportunity to touch the streets again by the summer of 2023..I started this time at a level 3 institution which was a penitentiary named Trumbull Correctional Institution in 2010….a lot of guys where hip to me so I was able to avoid the prison politics and get in the studio to do production.. I ended up working with another fellow producer Chris ” Chill” Lewis of Felon One Music on some great albums…..
Late 2013, I was transferred to Richland Correctional Institution which is a level 2 prison ( medium)… Soon as I got off the bus they asked me if I wanted to run the music program again since I done time there before…I ended up doing a lot of production work and live sound engineering for the concerts..In 2014 my name got hot on the prison’s compound which cause the administration to start harassing me due to jailhouse snitches writing statements saying I was flooding the prison with tobacco and cellphones…
In 2015 I got caught with 3 bags of tobacco in my bed area and about 2 months later I got caught with a cellphone… both occasions I went to the hole…It got to the point where anything that happen rumor wise…I was responsible…. In September 2015 I got blamed by administration for a situation where someone allegedly attempted to throw a package over the fence that contained pounds of tobacco, numerous cellphones and a loaded small handgun….they came and got me the day after this happened saying I was somehow involved…. the prison’s investigator and state highway patrol got mad because they had no proof and couldnt get me…even after learning that I wasn’t involved but I still wouldn’t name those who were…so they figured that they can just get rid of a growing problem and make an example out of me to others who were planning to attempt moves….so I got transferred to the Infamous Lucasville supermax prison, where I did 91 days for a 5b placement ( highest level of security)…
On December 23, 2015 I was transferred to the Ohio State Penitentiary ( highest level security prison in the state of Ohio) and been here ever since…. I beat the outside case at court due to the prison’s investigator and jailhouse rats fabricating another story prior to my trial…they tried to persuade the other 2 guys that got charged to testify against me but they kept it solid…another guy that wasn’t even charged in the case wrote the prosecutor asking to take the stand to help this state convict me out of pure hate…
GORILLACONVICT: J.G….Peace Bro….I don’t mean to interrupt your introduction… but we ain’t trying to share the inside moves and criminology plots some of us might be in or use to be involved in….
J.G: True Indeed…..but this is where I can enlighten those who need to know what goes on in these spots….that there are still Haters…Snitches and people who don’t want to see you grow or become a better person….I want to discourage those thinking about coming to prison and at the same time let the people know things is REAL in here…..
G.C: O.K….Do your thing..but let me ask you a few questions.. EXPLAIN TO THE READERS YOUR PASSION AND WHAT MAKES IT YOUR PASSION..
J.G: Music is my passion…..growing up in Akron, I’ve always had an appreciation for great music..I spent my freshman year of High school in the Pittsburgh area…my Aunt’s boyfriend at that time Jason Burke was a DJ so I learned a lot about music from him before returning to Ohio..I had been writing raps and listening to a variety of artists..when I came back to Akron I started working with various producers like Demetris Shaw, Frank Derby, Greg and Adrian Davis..I learnt a lot from those guys ..Akron has always been a breeding ground for talented musicians across all genres of music..I only wanted to be a rapper until I heard the production on Chino Nino’s ” Get Wet” l.p. that was done by J.Wade…from that day forward I wanted to make beats….Producers that make great music like Franchise and Da Boi Pizz from Da Kennel have encouraged me throughout the years to continue to carry out my passion despite my confinement. Marlin Burros, who founded ” Make It Happen Records” pushed me to learn the music business in its entirely.. He always told me to focus on making quality music and learning everything there’s to learn about the industry since that will position you to be an asset.
J.G: I’ve been making beats since 2003 so thats about 17 years…Derrick
“Pep” Culpepper from Dayton, Ohio taught me how to program the Boss DR5
Beat machine…He pushed me to get serious about music which lead me to learn music theory…Pep must have saw something in me because way back nthen I wasn’t good at all…LOL….as time progressed I learnt how to produce tracks on the Korg Trition Le from Thomas ” T.P. ” Payne…around 2005 I started getting good to where artist would ask me to make beats for their songs. Carlos Kincaid, who’s the drummer for the “Dazz Band” taught me how to use the Yamaha Motif Workstation and I’ve been evolving ever since…there is no doubt that I live through the songs I produce..I want any artist that I work with to have a memorable experience when receiving a Rubbercity J track…from being a rapper I know how it feels when a producer is unable or unwilling to craft a beat that aligns with the artist’s vision…I’m not satisfied until the artist is happy and the song has the characteristics of a hit…
J.G: Where do I start……..I was involved in the creation of the bonus DVD that came with Lyfe Jennings “Lyfe Change” CD..I did the set up and assisted Michael Tschupp with various engineering task…I’ve produced songs for a lot of Akron’s artists…Ton G, Ren Fetti,…B-Man of Raw Footage,…Ready Roc,…Killa Ross,..TZO,…Sav, and Black Buttah….I did ” I’m a King” for Rob Low..I did ” Breathe Thru It” for Boylee…I produced entire yet to be released albums for Str8 Blakk and D Ruff…..back in the days I produced a lot of songs for Lis and Styles…I’ve worked with some dope artists out of Cleveland ….T.V the Vision…Drama…E Glorious and Scoot Rock…I did ” Love Ur Swagg” for Vettyo and ” Out tha Whip” for One Hun…I did ” 20 for 20″ for K2 out of Warren, Ohio…I produced the song ” Talk Money” and ” Swerve” for the Homie Twonbird out of Massillon that can be heard at : www.Reverbnation.com/Twonbird
J.G: Right now I’m counting down my Indiegogo.com campaign that will launch 4/1/2020 that will offer preorders of my first book ” Felon: The New Slur Word”….It gives my perspective of the Injustices of the criminal justice system….My book is a must read for anyone that is serious about prison reform or wants to know the uncut truth about the system…..Since I will be headed to a level 3 prison very soon I’ve been reconnecting with artists that want beats from me…I have been working with my team to execute my vision for a recording studio complex in Boardman, Ohio which will open in 2024…we found a location that would be ideal for our vision and we have a strong business plan….. we’re preparing to rebrand ” Blowboi Entertainment” which is an imprint that I helped start with a core group of friends that I call family..I will also be releasing a series of albums whose proceeds will be used to aid the philanthropic mission of making mammograms accessible to women in underserved communities… this is something that my late mother and I were working on prior to her passing….Our team is planning to open a facility in Dayton, Ohio that will provide industry quality mixing and mastering services for artists…We’re currently working on an album for my bro Kash , an up & coming artist out of Dayton….I have been putting the finishing touches on a business plan for a service that will assist artists in monetizing their platforms through obtaining song and beat placements on commercially released projects.
J.G: I was able to come up with these ideas through process of thinking outside the box, listening to the needs of the artist I have worked with and having the DNA of a go-getter..Nothing in Life that’s worthwhile will fall in your lap…Despite the fact that many have counted me out…Despite that I’m currently serving a prison sentence..I still have the ambition to make something happen despite the unfavorable circumstances… the worst thing that you can do is give a mastermind the opportunity to sit back and think…
being in a state of confinement especially at the supermax level has only made me stronger…To achieve greatness you have to know that the ability to do elite things is within you..from there you have to build a team of like minded individuals and make sure everyone eats…NO SINGLE PERSON IS ABOVE THE TEAM…stay grounded and don’t let your foot off the gas since there’s always someone waiting to pass you up.. You have to set realistic goals and put in the work to attain them..I have one..three.. five and ten year plans that I’m actively working to put my team in a better position…Upon my release I will enroll in Berklee College of Music Online mixing and mastering with Pro Tools course and working on securing a production/distribution deal with a major label.
J.G: My immediate goal is to reach the funding goal on Indiegogo which will allow me to scale my platform and aid others in producing creative works…accomplishing that along with my book sales will allow me to purchase the Korg Electribe and the Korg Kross 2 Workstation….Those pieces of equipment will allow me to start producing quality tracks for artists on both sides of the fence… to be able to get a beat placement on a major artist album despite being incarcerated would be game changing…That’s one of the goals that I’m determined to achieve… I already have a few artists that want me to produce some EDM remixes of their songs and a few more that want some exclusive rap beats …I will be doing some beats for Agee Bxby that will allow me to show my production versatility
J.G: That’s a real tricky question right there ShaKim Bio….there are a lot of great producers out there…especially on the independent scene….Right now I’m feeling Metro Boomin’s production, but my top 5 producers would consist of the following: Dr. Dre ….Timbaland…Kanye West,…Manny Fresh…and Mike Dean….like I said there’s a lot of talented underground producers that I respect like Franchize, Da Boi Pizz, Joe Millionaire and ImDaBoi….Those that made my Top 5 are producers that through raising the bar have motivated me to become a lifetime student of music production… Those of us that are apart of the culture have to study, learn, evolve in the perfection of our crafts…I know that I will ascend to great heights within the next 5 years ..I will earn the title of a mover and shaker in this industry…..my objective is to disrupt the norm and carve out my own path through bringing things to the industry that will have an impact for unforseen decades …..Doing so will put me among my personal Top 5 producers, the numerous innovators in the game and on the Top 5 list of generations to come.
J.G: Anyone that wants to buy some beats or collaborate on any level can contact me directly through Jpay.com using the following information : A584494 Justin Guyton….to get updates on the movement follow me on Twitter : @Rubbercity_J
I’m in the process of expanding my social media platform now that I have a great team behind me…keep an ear out for Rubbercity J remixes of various artists singles that will be available on all platforms soon!!!
Much Love to my sister Leah…Earlene…the team Richie Rich…Kash…Carmen…Manny..Gabe…J-Rock..LaNeisa…Vell….Quise Griffen..Claudia…Hala…D-Money..T.Y., Eric Floyd..LeBron Burros, N.O…R.J., ..DJ Steph Floss..Tropikana…Agee Bxby…King Chip and Young Ridiculous.. I can’t name everybody since I rock with real individuals on an international scale…
If I didn’t name you..just know that its no lost love.. I rock with those that rock with me..To all my naysayers..keep on hating since your hate only fuels my determination… I WILL NOT FAIL!!!
Thank you to ShaKim Bio and Gorilla Convict for this opportunity. I would like everybody to preorder a copy of ” Felon : The New Slur Word” via our Indiegogo campaign beginning in April….Please share this profile with your friends using the Indiegogo share link….THANK YOU for the support!!!
1 Comment
Ageebxby I’m hip to him oh this will be EPIC