In May of 2020, I did the ‘CONNECTION‘ interview with this brother/founder of BLOWBOI ENTERTAINMENT, Justin Guyton aka ‘RubberCity J,’ also known as ‘J.G.’
He was a known beatmaker, artist to the Hip-Hop culture, who is incarcerated and authored the novel, “FELON…The New Slur Word.”
I titled the interview ‘CONNECTIONS’ because of how we met; we were connected through a mutual comrade and the cause of that connection.
I defined the meaning of the word ‘CONNECTION’ and why it fit perfectly with that interview… I defined the word in dictionary terms as well as everyday life terms…even prison terms, the importance of being connected and networking.
When I met J.G., we were corresponding through snail mail. He is in a Supermax prison, while I am in a maximum facility… I went to a medium prison for 30 months before my level was raised back up for my alleged prison criminal enterprise activities.
We kept building through snail mail and using a third person on emails. We even had builds on the phones through conference calls.
On weekends, I have conference call builds with various people who are all locked up in different prisons, fed and state…we network and build on topics on various levels.
I groomed J.G. by enlightening him on what I know and am able to share about book publishing. I connected him with various people.
I got a jewel that I share with others, whether the younger generation or older heads…’A LEADER is NOT measured by how many followers he has…NO…A LEADER is measured by how many leaders he MAKES’ …that way you reproduce more leaders…who can produce more innovators, thinkers and doers…It’s more of TEACHING one HOW TO THINK rather than WHAT TO THINK….the real definition of ‘EACH ONE, TEACH ONE.’
I’m a Universal Builder. My duty is to teach righteousness and civilization… but at the same time, my ways and actions must show my supplications and applications, meaning I just don’t talk it…I walk it…I’m not into telling you what you should think, my goal is to teach you how to think. Once you open someone’s eyes, they go and absorb all the knowledge & wisdom they can. UNDERSTANDING is the best part.
J.G., who was already on his quest of becoming an author, was shown the tools on how to become a successful publisher who now owns his company, logo imprint and catalog. He became an entrepreneur…He, in return, put others on.
Now he is back with five authors from his BLOWBOI ENTERTAINMENT imprint…I connected him (one) and he, in return, connected five.
Let’s meet him and his BLOWBOI ENTERTAINMENT squad.
Let’s welcome to GORILLA CONVICT ..Justin Guyton and authors Shaquille Davis, Ernest Smith, Ja’vion Kirkland, Ms. June Monroe , and Larry Willons…..Welcome to Gorilla Convict!!

GORILLA CONVICT: J.G … You back for a second time…but before I ask your squad questions…this one is directed to solely YOU.
YOU came with a determined idea and made it into a reality… I know it started with publishing your novel, but it didn’t stop there…Tell us HOW you did it…your struggles to.. what else BLOWBOI ENTERTAINMENT has in the makings.
J.G: I’m a 80s baby. Coming up in that era, I was taught how to soak up game and add those lessons to my toolbox. When Manny linked sole focus was to publish my book and pivot back to what I’m known for… the music. From our BUILDS, I realized that I could do so much more, especially since I have a solid name on both sides of the fence. You provided me with a lot of insight that I applied to the things I’ve learned from my studies on the publishing industry. I will say that when I decided to revamp the Blowboi brand, I received a lot of pushback from some of the people in my circle. None of these people were involved with creating Blowboi Entertainment.
It was more along the lines of people who know me from doing music and hustling. They were like, “Bro, you wrote a book. You’re going to publish other authors’ content?” People aren’t reading books anymore! Man, you need to be focusing on how to get that illegitimate type of bag” LOL!
Many didn’t understand or see the vision. They eventually came around and have been some of my biggest supporters. Sometimes when you plant a seed and begin to water it for it to grow, it takes time for the individuals who know your perception of your abilities…to grow.
I did have to remove a few people from my life during the process due to their negative energy or not standing on their word. Once I did that, the other pieces of the puzzle came together and I haven’t looked back since. Having a solid team and support system has been essential in making things happen. I’ve been fortunate to have support from my loved ones and a lot of freelancers who’ve agreed to work with me.
Through this journey, I’ve encountered a few freelancers that refused to accept my money to perform various services that pertain to the book-making process. A few others whose skill set wasn’t what they advertised in their profiles, but overall the process has helped me build a network of individuals that I plan on working with for years to come.
The only struggles that I’ve experienced are finding authors that understand that they can become great writers without having their work pigeonholed as an “Urban Novel.” I’m not knocking any other publisher that produces that type of content, I respect the hustle. I just want more for my brand. My goal is to have a stable of authors whose content is respected in the industry. Regardless if they’re incarcerated or not, I want my authors to be respected for their craft.
Blowboi Entertainment has published three titles so far, and we plan on releasing nine books this year. We’re also ramping up to drop a lot of new music, visuals, apps and other entertainment content. I’m on my way home soon, so it’s time to take things to another level.
When people hear the name Rubbercity J or Blowboi Entertainment, I want them to associate those brands with great content, no matter the format.
G.C: I got questions for your CONNECT FOUR + ONE authors.
J.G: Go ahead and do your thing….they stay READY!!!
G.C: No doubt. Introduce to the audience who you are and where you are from.
SHAQUILLE DAVIS: My name is Shaquille D. Davis. I am a recently published author that’s from Zanesville, Ohio.
E.O. SMITH: Hi, my name is Ernest Smith, but I write under the name E.O. Smith and I’m from Toledo, Ohio.
JA’VION KIRKLAND: My name is Ja’vion Kirkland and I’m from the west side of Cincinnati, Ohio.
JUNE MONROE: Hello I go by June Monroe and I’m from Cleveland, Ohio.
LARRY WILLONS: What’s up Gorilla Convict audience? My name is Larry Willons, an incarcerated author who is also a 80s baby. I was born in Alexandria, Virginia and raised in Raleigh, North Carolina.
G.C: That’s PEACE…Give us a brief summary of what inspires/motivates you to get into your creative mode. Ladies first on this one!
J.M.: My 5th grade teacher inspired me to wanna write books. She had us rewrite our own story to the “Christmas Carol,” and I was shocked at how my creativity flowed while writing the book. From that point on, I just always had it in the back of my mind that I wanted to be an author. My kids motivate me each and every day. I would love to show them that they can do and be ANYTHING. You just gotta work hard and stand on what you say. I’ve been saying that I was going to write a book one day. It was always one of my dreams and I was very determined to do just that.
E.O.: Setting the time aside each day to write, focus and perfect my craft.
S.D.: What really inspires me is music. When I put on my headphones with the right song, it puts me in the right groove. I can write several raw chapters in an hour because when I’m listening to a certain song, it’s like a soundtrack to the book I’m writing. This is because I don’t write books, I write movies. So, when I’m visualizing it in my head, with the right song. I just write how it plays out, which is a really cool experience.
J.K.: Well, I’m really big on spirituality and was able to tap into my creative potential through my connection with the Most High power and plenty of prayer. With that came a purpose to reach as many people as I can through storytelling, music and positive energy… I just listen when God sends my message, then I figure out how to spread it.
L.W.: My inspiration comes from places such as other authors. While in solitary confinement, I read a book my partner had written, and it took me out of that cell and placed me in the streets of Texas….witnessing someone in the same situation as myself accomplish something as intricate as writing a book lead me to believe that I could pen a novel too…music and movies play a role in my writing sets the mood and I feel like I’m in competition with Hood flicks.
G.C: What kind of Genre are your stories involved in?
J.M.: Drama, Suspense and Fiction for now…I’m thinking about working on a Children’s book for my kids really soon, so we will see how that goes.
E.O: Up to now, my stories fall into the fiction novel genre, but I’m working on a book about tattooing. Prior to getting Life in prison, I owned a chain of tattoo parlors.
S.D.: I range from a variety of genres: science fiction, action, thriller and many others. I don’t box myself into just one genre. I am a very creative and out-the-box type of person. I’m the type of person that doesn’t put limits on my capabilities. If it is something I can vibe with, I can put it down into a great story, no matter the genre. My first book, “Neon Prime” is science fiction because I have always been a big sci-fi nerd, but my second project to be released will be an action book “The Merc,” then after that will be a thriller, and I will have plenty more coming behind those.
J.K: Fiction and non-fiction. I’m actually working on an autobiography titled, ” Regarding My Regrets.”
L.W: The majority of my stories are in urban settings. This is the space I’m most knowledgeable about.
G.C: What made you want to be involved with BlowBoi Ent?
J.M: I would say the FACT that J.G. didn’t let nothing stop him from accomplishing the things that he wanted to accomplish. I seen how dedicated he is, and I was all for it. I knew he wasn’t going to steer me in the wrong direction. I just knew he wasn’t going to be the type to just put my book out just to say he published another book. He actually gave me great advice and honest feedback while I was writing my book “Street Injustice.”
E.O: The CEO of Blowboi Entertainment, Justin Guyton, laid out a vision that’s compatible with my goals, then he showed me that he could actually follow through by standing on his word. You really don’t come across a lot of guys in prison who are about their business all the way around the board.
S.D: Before I met one of the founders of Blowboi Entertainment, Justin Guyton, I wrote “Neon Prime.” I tried to reach out to several big publishing firms to let them see my work. This was the first time I found out that big publishing firms look down on incarcerated writers. I couldn’t even get them to look at my work. Some said they would send their publishing kit, but never did. But through a friend, J.G. heard I was trying to get published. I sent him my manuscript, he loved it and published it. Currently, under the Blowboi imprint, I’m the only one who has a book in the science fiction genre, but since then, I wrote several other projects that J.G. plans on publishing down the line. He has really helped me grow as a writer. Me not having an MBA or MFA, he has really helped put me on game to perfect my craft.
J.K: What made me want to be involved with Blowboi Ent is the fact that Rubbercity J is making things happen from inside with the same struggles I’m in and everything that the Blowboi Ent brand represents.
L.W: I learned about Blowboi Ent through a newspaper ad. Buying that newspaper was a good investment. Blowboi Ent was seeking authors and I was seeking a publisher. What really made me want to get involved is Blowboi’s persistent communication. Whenever I reach out, I always receive a response.
G.C: Outside of writing, are you into bringing your stories into TV and films?
J.M: Yes, I would love to have the whole world watching my movies or shows. I hope to one day be as hot as 50 Cent when it comes to the TV shows.
E.O: Yes, I’m currently working with J.G. to turn “Life Against The Current” into a cable series since it is a story that will be able to attract a strong following.
S.D: That is my real end goal, to get my projects turned into movies, shows, cartoons and comic books because when I write, I don’t feel like I’m writing books. I feel like I’m writing shows and movies.
J.K: Outside of writing, it’s a must that I bring my stories to TV and film. I say this because it’s important to make sure everybody that’s willing to accept the message receives it from any and every platform, if there’s a person that doesn’t read but likes movies…well there you have it. I got you.
L.W: Seeing this book transferred into a movie has always been a big dream. In the past, I even made a list of actors that I’d like to play the main characters.
G.C: Is this your 1st project? My first novel published was not my 1st project.
J.M: No, this is not my first project. I had a couple of things that I was working on before “Street Injustice.” My boyfriend actually hyped me up to write this book because he feels as if I have no type of street smarts. He didn’t think that I was going to be able to pull this book off, so I had to show him I can write a book about anything. So shout out to him because it actually came out pretty good.
E.O: Yes, this is my first project within the publishing realm. Before I wrote this book, my main focus was being the best tattoo artist that I could possibly be.
S.D: Yeah, “Neon Prime” is my first project. It was the first thing that I ever wrote. Since writing it, my creative spark has led me to write seven other books.
J.K: No, .this is not my first project. I also make music under the Blowboi umbrella. You can check out some of my freestyles on TikTok at @Blowboient.
L.W: “1 for the Money” is not my first project. It’s actually the eighth novel that I wrote. I did spend more time on “1 for the Money” than any other project I’ve done so far.
G.C: Where do you see yourself within 5 years from now?
J.M: I see myself being a very popular book writer and accomplishing a lot more of the things I want to accomplish. I see myself being more out there and I mean that in a positive way. I’m not really a sociable person and I can actually be really shy. I’m working on being more sociable and putting more of my work out there. I’m ready to share my talents with the world, so stay tuned!
E.O: In 5 years, I see myself with several published books and a few successful cable series under my belt.
S.D: Hopefully, watching one of my books that has been turned into a movie or show on TV. That will be really cool. It’s been a long time since I did something positive, and to have this opportunity is really cool.
J.K: I’m in a constant state of elevation, so if I can stay focused on my goals/plans without getting sidetracked in 5 years, I’ll have books, music and movies all over the world that will be uplifting to many people. But most of all, in 5 years, I’ll be happy, blessed and at peace.
L.W: I’d like to have five books in print. I hope to have learned the publishing business and to have founded a publishing house…and, of course, have a movie made from “1 for the Money”.
G.C: What are you bringing to the game that’s different? How do you think that you will stand out?
J.M: Well, I’m unpredictable. I have one hell of an imagination, so I come with plenty of surprises. You will never get the same type of vibe with me when it comes to writing. I can switch it up real quick and pretty much write about anything..any genre..rather it be a children’s book or a mystery book. I stand out because it’s not a lot of authors that can just switch it up when it comes to different genres. You will understand what I mean when I put more of my books out.
E.O: My stories bring a lot of the issues that other authors are afraid to write about to the forefront. In doing so, it not only sets me apart from those in my genre, but the reader knows that I’m going to give them something that they won’t get from another author.
S.D: My style of writing is unorthodox since I write with a mixture of script in my writing. Because when I write, I write how I see it in my head. My way of writing is really unique and is different from the majority of the books that you will pick up. Because while others are writing books, I’m writing movies…just in word form.
J.K: What I’m bringing to the game that’s different from everyone else is sympathy: the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, not just my own story. I want to speak for people who can’t.I stand out from others because my deeds, actions and intentions line up perfectly with the words I speak.
L.W: I’m big on artistry and plot. My writing is viewed as urban, but I feel like my work can be categorized as suspense. I like combining action, suspense and erotica.
G.C: What’s the best book you ever read and WHY?
J.M: The best book I ever read was in the 5th grade. It was called “The Skin I’m In” by Sharon G. Flake. It was about a dark skin girl getting picked on and getting treated poorly in school because of her complexion. She eventually ended up loving the skin she was in after she realized that she was stuck with herself. Around that time, I was getting bullied on in school. I was really able to relate to that book. It was really a motivating book. I recommend young adults to read it for themselves.
E.O: “Cider House Rules” is a book that takes you through the entire abortion issue, which is a hot-button topic right now. When reading the book, you are never once told how you’re supposed to feel about the issue or that you are wrong to feel that way. No matter what side you are on pertaining to this issue. It’s an amazingly written book.

S.D: It will be between “Six Bad Things” and “Djinn”. Both books are filled with humor and action, which is the stuff I’m really into. I am really surprised that neither of those books were made into movies because I have a very short attention span, and those books had my attention from beginning to end.
J.K: Right now, I currently have a goal to read 100 books and I’m at 32, so that’s a hard choice, but I’m gonna say Napoleon Hill’s “Outwitting The Devil” because it openly speaks about things that take place in front of us every day and we’re blind to it. Once I was able to read it, then sit back and watch… It made things so clear for me and it raised my awareness to another level.
L.W: This is a hard question because I am a fan of so many authors… “Never Die Alone” by the Late Donald Goines. It was short & sweet. I could relate to the characters and their lives. It was an accurate reality and I love the way the story was crafted.
G.C: Any last words and shoutouts?
J.M: I just want to say THANK YOU to Blowboi Ent for being patient!! I want to thank God for giving me the determination I needed to finish this book because it felt like I was working on it for years!!. Shoutouts to my boyfriend, Nick, for giving me the idea. My mom Raquel for blessing me with my writing skills. Also my two little girls, Drew and Laylay, for motivating me to follow my dreams.
E.O: My next novel “Nothing Matters and What If It Did” is coming soon along with the audio version of my current “Life Against The Current.” Anyone seeking to get published should contact Blowboi Entertainment: Also, thank you to my loved ones and fans for all your support.
S.D: I really appreciate this chance and opportunity. Shout out to my publisher, Justin Guyton, and my family. Follow me on all social media platforms @ShaquilleDDavis.
J.K: I just want people to remember the name Ja’vion Kirkland because that’s what I’m going by. There will be no nicknames needed for this mission. Keep your ears and eyes open for my next message. And I would like to give a shout-out to the whole Kirkland family for their strong support and also every human being that I have come in contact with on this journey that showed me kindness, respect and treated me like a human. Thanks to all of you.
L.W: Big shout out to Blowboi Entertainment and GorillaConvict.
Justin Guyton: To those who haven’t heard of Blowboi Entertainment, we are an independent company that produces creative works, which include novels, audiobooks, music and films. We seek to positively change the trajectory of the individuals whose content we release under our imprint. We don’t just provide our content creators the tools to have their voices heard; we provide them with a path to financial stability through receiving fair compensation for their work. To stay up to date on our upcoming projects, like our Blowboi Entertainment Facebook page. To ALL the ladies make sure that y’all check out Ja’vion Kirkland’s “Dreams, Nightmares & Reality” dropping SOON. Any artist that wants to cop beats or is in need of a producer can connect with me on IG at @Rubbercity_J
Shout Outs to ShaKim Bio and for y’all continued support, along with everything that you all have been doing for the culture.