Seth "Soul Man" Ferranti goes in depth of the rise and fall of six gangsters, Kenneth "Supreme" McGriff, Wayne "Silk" Perry, Anthony Jones, Aaron Jone ...
Even if that dude on the corner won’t admit it, he wants to be known. Wants people in the hood to uphold him, feel him and carry his legacy on when ...
Have you ever watched American Gangster on BET? Author Seth "Soul Man" Ferranti brings American Gangster from BET to the books in "Street Legends." He ...
The early lives of these men were noteworthy particularly the bridges that carried them into legendary status. Some were charismatic rather than ruthl ...
Seth "Soul Man" Ferranti gets up close and personal of what prison life is like. He takes us through the day to day life of inmates and the survival t ...
First off, I must say the Seth Ferranti is an intriguing character, more importantly, an exceptional writer. Prison Stories was jaw-dropping and a bit ...
The United States Federal Witness Protection Program is a witness protection program administered by the United States Department of Justice and opera ...